Blog 2023-04-28T07:22:07+00:00

Get Every Penny You Deserve!

Stephen Browne Personal Injury Lawyers will fight for your rights to compensation

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Blog – Personal Injury Lawyers

Looking for great workers’ compensation lawyers in WA?

No matter how many years you’ve been in the workforce, work-related accidents can be hard to navigate. You may be eligible for workers’ compensation for your injuries, which can help with your recovery and moving forward.   As workers’ compensation lawyers, we can help with your workers’ compensation claim.  Here we explain who can make a workers’ compensation claim in Western Australia, whether you need a compensation lawyer and what [...]

Injured in a slip and fall accident? Understand your legal rights and entitlements

Whether you’re grabbing your groceries, strolling along a footpath, browsing a shopping centre, or even hanging out at a friend's house, you deserve to be safe from injury. If you’re injured – in a private or public space - in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence (whether that be a person, business, or local council) you may be eligible to claim legal compensation. Our expert team [...]

Injured in a car accident and unable to work? Your guide to claiming compensation

Car accidents are unexpected, scary and can change your life in a second. If you’ve suffered an injury in a car accident and now need time off work, it’s only natural to worry about the financial impact that may have.  When you’ve been injured, the last thing you need is to worry about what to do after a car accident. Seeking car accident compensation in Perth [...]

What is a personal injury lawyer and when do I need one?

Whether you have been injured on the road, at work or in a public place due to someone else's actions, you may be eligible to claim compensation with the help of a legal expert. Here we explain what a personal injury lawyer does, some examples of personal injury cases, what compensation can be claimed and how we can help you. What is a personal injury lawyer? A personal injury lawyer [...]

How your GP can help your workers’ compensation claim

Becoming injured at work can be a highly stressful and confusing time for anyone to experience. Let alone, trying to navigate through a workers’ compensation claim.  Here we talk you through your rights and provide some helpful tips to follow with your GP to ensure you are adequately compensated for any injury sustained at work.   Can I see my own doctor for a workers' compensation claim? From the outset, we [...]

What does negligence mean in a car accident?

If you have been injured, or have injured someone, due to ‘negligent driving ’ you may be wondering what exactly that means. Here we talk you through what negligent driving is, your legal responsibilities and rights around being injured by a negligent driver. What is negligent driving? Negligent driving is doing or failing to do something that a ‘reasonable person’ would (or would not) do in the circumstances and causing [...]

Can Victims of Crime Claim Compensation?

Being a victim of a crime can be extremely distressing, particularly if you have been injured. The financial burden of taking time off work for medical or psychological treatments may also add to your stress. But, is there compensation available for those losses? And, if so, how do you access it? Our expert criminal injury lawyers explain. Can I make a claim for compensation? The Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme [...]

What to do when injured in a car accident in WA

Car accidents can be a traumatic experience for everyone involved, both physically and emotionally. With this emotional and physical toll, it can be hard to know where to start, especially if you haven't been in an accident before. If you've been injured in a car accident as a passenger or the driver, you may be eligible for a compensation claim. Here we take you through five basic steps to follow [...]

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